Saturday, 3 January 2015

How I get through School

As the Christmas Holidays come to an end I have to mentally prepare myself to start school again Monday. Beside the fact that I only have one day left and have not started a single piece of homework I would say I'm pretty prepared (but I can just do my homework on the bus). 

I can't be the only person who is dreading waking up at a ridiculous hour to get ready to go to a place which they despise can I? I mean don't get me wrong, I sometimes really enjoy school but there are so many people there saying stuff behind your back and judging your every movement I just don't find it enjoyable. However my friends really help me get through it so here are my tips on how I am surviving school.
1,Have enough time to get ready- In the morning I have to leave at 7:30 so therefore I set an alarm for 6, this allows me enough time to get ready. I feel as though if my makeup turns out good it puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day (anyone else feel like this?).

2, Ignore negative people- When I say ignore them I don't mean be rude to them, but if there are certain people out there who make  you feel in a bad way just push them to the back of your mind. Obviously be polite and say hi if they talk to you but remember you don't have to be best friends with everyone and not everyone is going to like you.
3, It's not forever- When I think about school, the boring Math lessons and the annoying kid in your English class are not permanent things in your life. Although finishing school may seem like a long way off in a couple (or however many years) you are able to go off and do the things you are passionate about. Them people saying stuff behind your back once you have finished school you don't have to see them again if you don't want to, focus on the positive.

4,Have good friends- I have a couple of really good friends and I try to be friends with everyone however not everyone is a good friend. So if someone isn't a good friend just don't be friends with them.

5,Don't change to fit in- In my earlier years at Secondary school I was a horrible person. I'm not going to lie, I became friends with a girl who was horrible to everyone yet everyone still loved her. I started being more like her then I realized I didn't want to be like that. Even know there are still people who are horrible to be popular and I  don't ever want to be like that again.

6, Try- Try hard in lessons, obviously have fun as well. I'm not going to act like I'm super perfect and me and my friends often mess around, however we also do the work we are meant to do as we know that this is going to get us through later life.
7, Do homework- I know I said in my introduction I  haven't done it yet, which I haven't and right now I am regretting it but tomorrow I am dedicating the whole day to get it done.

8, Know where you're going and when- Know when each lessons are and get there on time, however this shouldn't be that hard as at most school there is a bell to indicate when lessons are.
9, Have fun- You can learn and have fun (bet you didn't expect to see fun and learning in the same sentence). However you need to know how to balance it out so you are able to balance it and still get all your work and studying done.

Miss Periwinkle x x

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